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Its depend on the location it can take up to 14 working days

Geordea Herron, CEO

Geordea Herron serves as CherriGlo's CEO and a marketing professional. She received her associates in
Arts from Central Piedmont Community College, and transferred to North Carolina Central University and
received her bachelor's degree in Mass Communication with a concentration in broadcast media. She’s a
Charlotte native who is a true advocate for Women’s rights and implementing different forms of self-care in
everyday life. When she’s not developing strategies for CherriGlo, she indulges in her own forms of selfcare: Doing a facemask while watching football or true crime documentaries.

Geordian Herron, President

Geordian Herron serves as CherriGlo’s president, and is responsible for the day to day operations of the
organization. She is a Business Analyst professional, with a background in Project Controls. She received her
Bachelor of Arts degree from Winston-Salem State University in 2014. She later received her Masters of Public
Administration from North Carolina Central University in 2018. Geordian has always had a passion for self care. She
strongly believes self care should be everyone’s priority. Her favorite form of self care is a hot bubble bath with bath
bombs and a facemask after a long day at the office. As CherriGlo’s President, she will strive to ensure that all
subscribers receive the utmost care and attention

Edith Herron, Chief Financial Officer

Edith Herron serves as the CFO of CherriGlo. The majority of her professional career has been in
property management. She attended the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where she
“Received a Bachelor of Communication degree. She’s excited to embark on
this new self-care adventure…”
and is excited to be a part of this journey.